GPG Key management
Last modified : 1 October, 2016
List ALL keys that I have
gpg --list-keys
List ALL secret keys that I have
gpg --list-secret-keys
Delete a key
gpg --delete-key D39DC0E3
Generate a key pair
gpg --gen-key
Modify a key
gpg --edit-key gpg> help gpg> list
Add a subkey. This should have an expiration date.
gpg> addkey
Change expiration
gpg> expire # For primary gpg> key 1 # For a subkey gpg> expire
Delete a key UID
gpg> uid 1 # Selects the first uid gpg> deluid
Delete a subkey
gpg> key 1 # Selects the first subkey gpg> delkey
List keys in a file
gpg --with-fingerprint <someFile>
Doing things with your keys
Sign some document. (uses your private key)
gpg --clearsign AWESOME_COMMANDS.txt
For a detached signature
gpg --output AWESOME_COMMANDS.txt.sig --detach-sign AWESOME_COMMANDS.txt
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